Remember Mr. Boyle News
The Boyle Award Committee is proud to announce the official approval of the Richard L. Boyle Memorial Award at the December 16th meeting of the Port Washington School Board. This followed a busy summer and fall of work by the committee to develop our Mission Statement and Award Criteria. We met with Hank Hardy, the head of the Schreiber Guidance Department, in October and November to review and fine tune these documents to meet both our goals and the requirements of the school system. Hank then arranged for our award to put on the agenda of the December 16th meeting of the Port Washington School Board. The Board gladly approved the award, with some very kind words about how nice it is that good teaching is remembered and appreciated even years later.
Our Mission Statement is on the Memorial page of this site. Now it is time to endow the award. That means digging as deep into your pockets as possible. The Donate page of this site contains instructions for how to donate to the award fund. Donations are tax deductible, so be generous. We need you to start as soon as possible so we can fully fund the first year’s award to be presented at Schreiber’s Award Ceremony this coming June.
We look forward to hearing from you.
The Boyle Memorial Award Committee
Port School Board Approves Boyle Award
Tuesday, December 16, 2008