Memories of Mr. Boyle
From Jeremy Jachym: May 19, 2008
My mom sent me an email the other day letting me know what happened.
The moment I comprehended what I'd read I felt genuine loss.
My memories of Mr. Boyle are only good natured and encouraging. I recall visiting your home in Port Washington for tutoring sessions. Although I went there to study a subject I wasn't particularly enthralled with, the both of you med the experience welcoming. Your work didn't appear like "work", rather it appeared as something the both of you enjoyed doing.
I recall many times when I couldn't figure out how an equation or system worked, even after you explained it to me, but you never took it personally or got fed up with my limitations. It's because of that earnest desire to reach your students that you've both made a connection within me and have inspired me to act likewise.
I don't believe it's too common for a couple to come together that share and embody such generosity of their knowledge and spirit. You've both been role models as individuals and as a couple.
I'm sorr that you have to be experiencing this loss I imagine this isn't how you saw things unfolding.
I send you a very big and warm hug. I love you.
It never appeared like “work”
Monday, May 19, 2008