Memories of Mr. Boyle
From: Neil Helman
1975/1976 - 8th Grade algebra; 1976/1977 - 9th Grade geometry; Sousa Junior High School
I was one very lucky student as I had everyone's favorite teacher for both!!! Mr. Boyle was an incredibly special man. He wasn't just a teacher, but he was a friend to his students. Very few teachers had his impact - so much so that we students can reflect back on minute details about his class and more importantly, about him. Bonus questions for 4 points the day before an exam (or how about getting an extra 4 points on your exam if it happened to fall on St. Patrick's Day and you had something green in your clothing). Or how about copying over your notes in a creative way for presentation at the end of the term. Mr. Boyle was a teacher who not only made learning fun, he was a teacher that challenged you and made you think. To be honest, I can't remember too much about algebra or geometry, but I certainly remember life lessons that Mr. Boyle instilled in his students - none more important than respect. He treated his students with respect and in return was given respect - great respect. He was one of a kind that will live on in all of us who knew him.
I'm so sorry for your loss and hope that you are comforted over time with the many fond memories that you may have of Richard. He was truly one of a kind and without question touched many lives in an enormously positive way.
Everyone’s Favorite Teacher
Wednesday, May 14, 2008