Memories of Mr. Boyle
It is very hard to read through these notes etc., but I was lucky enough to have Mr. Boyle for my teacher for three years.  He was my absolute favorite teacher of all!!  So much so, that I became a math teacher/elementary math specialist myself (even though my 10th grade math teacher told me it would never happen!).  But, the funniest thing of all is that I was cleaning out files just this a.m. and came across one of my math notebooks. The time and effort put into that to get an A+++++ w/ balloons drawn across the top of the pages was better than any report card grade and still brings a smile to my face.  I saved them as I was able to flip through them for ideas for my own class.  Better than a textbook-oral reports, row quizzes, ten in a row club..My favorite was how to put nine horses in ten stables.  Who would ever think a junior high math class would leave so many fond memories.
Teresa (Faiella) Murphy
My Favorite Teacher of All!!
Monday, June 23, 2008