Remember Mr. Boyle News
Dear friends, former classmates, and teachers:
It was a sad day in May when I first heard from my good friend Russell
Weis that Mr. Boyle, that wonderful math teacher for all our Junior
High School years, had passed away. For those of you who are only now
hearing about it, realize that there are many, many of us who
remember him with great fondness and share your sadness. The
outpouring of stories and remembrances has been enormous. Along with
everything else, this has been a chance to reconnect with old friends
long out of touch.
As many have said, everyone should have a teacher like Mr. Boyle. So
former students and former colleagues are banding together to create
a memorial scholarship in his name. The details are yet to be
finalized, but some early groundwork is already in the works. Russ,
myself and a few other volunteers are meeting in a few weeks to get
the ball rolling. If you want to be on the committee, particularly if
you have experience with non-profits, or want to make any suggestions
please contact us (emails at end).
In order for everyone to be kept informed we have created a web site,, which will become the hub of our 'Remember
Mr. Boyle' community. Please visit it periodically to stay up to
date. When there are details to share about how to donate to the
memorial, a page will be added for that. Use the 'Announcements' page
to sign up to receive emails when there is more information to share
about the memorial specifically, and about our efforts in general.
Browse the 'Memories' page to read thoughts and stories about our
time with Mr. Boyle. If you have a story of your own to contribute,
you can email them to and they will be
added to the growing collection.
Please help us get the word out. Feel free to distribute this email to family and friends that might be interested. We look forward to hearing from you.
David Barnett   Webmaster, Mr. Boyle Memorial founder
Russell Weis     Mr. Boyle Memorial founder
Web Site Announcement
Thursday, June 19, 2008